News / 30 Apr 2024

Knowledge Exchange partnership with Sustainable Arts in Leeds



Over the 2022/2023 academic year, Leeds Arts University partnered with Sustainable Arts in Leeds (SAIL) to develop a programme of activities as part of the University's Knowledge Exchange Programme.

The partnership provided an opportunity for the University to connect students with the creative and cultural sector to explore sustainability projects. 151 students were engaged through the programme including two student placements and nine paid student opportunities. 41 students were trained to be carbon literate, and 102 students were engaged through subject-specific workshops.

Students produced content for seven live briefs set through the programme; four directly for SAIL and a further three for SAIL partners: Harewood House, Buy Nowt LS6, and Little Motel Studio. Erin Jones Tarling (BA (Hons) Visual Communication), Maria Kimberley Furtado (MA Graphic Design), Elly Bazigos (BA (Hons) Illustration), Lydia Roe (MA Illustration with Graphic Novel), Samita Anekritmongkol (MA Graphic Design), and Katy Hartley (BA (Hons) Creative Advertising), produced work that was able to effectively communicate climate related issues to the general public.

SAIL also facilitated two student placements, Guy Parsons (BA (Hons) Illustration) and Ellen Worrell (BA (Hons) Graphic Design) with both producing impressive outcomes in social media communication and digital engagement.

“During Guy’s internship, SAIL experienced a 700% increase in our Instagram engagement which was made possible through Guy’s creative experimentation with several social media techniques, whilst strategically recording their impact on audience interaction. Soon afterwards, Ellen developed an evidence-based communication strategy for SAIL's social media channel, website, and general external relations, which have since been implemented and have strengthened our capacity to connect with our audience effectively.”

SAIL representative

SAIL worked with the University to target a wider audience of students, delivering five sustainability workshops and four carbon literacy sessions. Students who attended the training received a Carbon Literacy certification, independently accredited by The Carbon Literacy Project.

As a lasting outcome, SAIL have worked in collaboration with Leeds Arts University to produce ‘From Imagination to Action: a climate communication best practice guide'. This is a practical handbook on creative climate communication aims to support creatives, storytellers, and marketing and communication professionals in framing their climate messaging and will be available on the SAIL website.

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