MA Fine Art


1 year full-time / 2 years part-time

Institution code




Alex Williams
Alex Williams

Alex Williams

A Tittering of Magpies
A Tittering of Magpies

A Tittering of Magpies

Chloe Reynolds

Chloe Reynolds

Danielle D'Abreu
Danielle D'Abreu

Danielle D'Abreu

Faun Material
Faun Material

Faun Material

Georgie Holt
Georgie Holt

Georgie Holt

James Sewell
James Sewell

James Sewell

Jessica Wood
Jessica Wood

Jessica Wood

Keegan Neville
Keegan Neville

Keegan Neville

Kingston Amaechi
Kingston Amaechi

Kingston Amaechi

Olga Young
Olga Young

Olga Young

Sam Henty
Sam Henty

Sam Henty

Susan Daubney
Susan Daubney

Susan Daubney

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

Yan Wang

The Course

This course will advance, widen and deepen your existing fine art practice and enable your progress through practice-led research. Dialogic exchange is at the heart of this course, with regular informed critical discussion supported by dynamic group work, seminars, collaborative projects and individual tuition.

This course cradles all specialisms within contemporary art practice such as installation, moving image, painting, performance, sculpture, text and sound. The core seminars will use group work to explore the wider field of practice and theory within the discipline, and nuance discussions around your own work through an individual tutorial programme.

Working with subject specialists you will be introduced to a range of practice-led research approaches, advancing your knowledge of analytical methods and helping you to develop critical approaches to your own practice.

The course will explore your creative ambitions across various academic, practical and professional contexts. The course begins with a peer-to-peer sharing of personal intentions for your developing practice, and progresses to a conclusive moment of public sharing, where you will materialise theories, concepts, techniques and processes as resolved artwork. Throughout the course you will be supported to articulate your ideas in visual, oral, written and material forms.

The Structure

Our postgraduate courses include both specialist subject modules and transdisciplinary core modules. Both are underpinned by independent learning. You will be supported with a variety of teaching and learning methods, including individual supervision, group tutorials, live briefs and project proposals, as well as being encouraged to collaborate with students from other postgraduate courses.

Our academic staff are engaged in contemporary practice in their specialism and will support, encourage and challenge you during your studies. All postgraduate students are taught together in research methods and business-related modules.

Postgraduate courses can be studied either full-time over one academic year or part-time over two academic years. Teaching is broken down into three teaching blocks per year.

Students are able to access a range of specialist facilities aligned to their research interest.

Specialist Resources

Students are able to access a range of specialist facilities by arrangement. These include: practical workshops in printmaking, digital print, ceramics and glass, wood, metals and plastics, mac suites, 3D printers and photographic, lighting studios.

MA Fine Art

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Academic staff



Dr Jo Neil

BA (Hons) Fine Art and MA Fine Art - Course Leader



Dr David Steans

MA Fine Art - Senior Lecturer

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