Careers and Industry

Industry Speakers

Our programme of industry speakers brings diversity, internationalisation and extra interest to your studies and your creative work.

We pride ourselves on the way we connect life at university with what is happening in industry. As part of this, we invite leading talent from local, national and international creative and cultural industries to come and share their experiences with you. Their input helps to spark ideas for your work as well as providing that real-life perspective to help you plan your future career.

We invite a broad cross-section of people to reflect our many different programme areas. While they are with us, they might:

  • Deliver inspiring lectures

  • Facilitate smaller seminars or workshops

  • Discuss your creative work with you

  • Provide advice on how to find the right job and build your career

  • Talk about setting up your own business

Many of the guests’ sessions are filmed, and the recordings can be found on the students’ eStudio and in the Library.

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