News / 13 May 2024

Leeds Arts University partner with creative agency BBH

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications

Three BA (Hons) Creative Advertising (now BA (Hons) Marketing Communications) students have had their articles published by creative agency BBH on their research and development website, BBH Labs.

Final year BA (Hons) Creative Advertising students Tate Lampi, Amy Coggan and Millie Addinall have had their work published on the BBH Labs website.

BBH Labs are a part of the creative agency, Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH). BBH is an agency that creates work for global brands such as Aldi and Tesco. They believe in the power of 'zagging', which means going in unexpected directions to make their marketing more effective.

Harry Guild from BBH labs said of the partnership; "Since 2008, BBH Labs' mission has been to challenge the industry's biases and conventions with razor-sharp thinking. That's why we love partnering with Leeds Arts University. It's fantastic to be able to give a platform to some of the brightest, young minds in advertising."

“This year’s articles were a lot of fun to read: bold in their takes, sensitive and insightful in their writing. We were especially impressed by how Amy, Millie and Tate took on a big, knotty issue, boiled the problem down to a tight articulation, and then executed against the brief in a fresh, provocative way.”

Harry Guild, BBH Labs

Please note, the mocked up campaign by Millie Addinall has been created using AI.

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