News / 05 Jun 2024

Freelancer Summer School graduates collaborate for New Age Fundraiser

MA Photography

MA Photography graduate and Funded Studio Space resident, Laurelle Kamara, collaborated with Leeds Conservatoire graduate, Linda-Ray Ndlovu, to work on the New Age Fundraiser event at Project House.

Laurelle and Linda-Ray met at the week-long enterprise program Freelancer Summer School 2023, run by Leeds Arts University and Leeds Conservatoire. The Freelancer Summer School affords students and graduates from Leeds Arts University and Leeds Conservatoire the opportunity to meet and network with other creatives, as well as learn how to set up their own business and receive mentoring support.

Laurelle was hired by Linda-Ray to photograph the New Age Fundraiser event at Project House on 18 May 2024. The event included a night of new music, art, theatre and comedy from Leeds and the surrounding areas.

Linda-Ray launched The New Age Fundraiser in 2021 to support local communities within the arts industry, who want to try out or launch themselves into the industry. The fundraisers donations go towards employing a creative staff of students and young people looking for experience or wanting to get involved in the arts industry, and towards sourcing new photographers and videographers to capture and record the acts and overall event.

After graduating, Laurelle created Photo by Laurelle which was voted best Fashion Photography Company of the Year in Yorkshire 2023-24. Laurelle has just completed their residency at Duke Studios as part of the Careers, Employability and Enterprise team’s Funded Studio Space scheme.

"I have had a great experience having my first office space on the Funded Studio Space scheme. With lots of peace and quiet it has helped me to concentrate and achieve my goals so much more efficiently than I was previously doing at home. Although I have had lots on my plate, it's been nice knowing I could always reach out for help from the University at any time whether it be job listing or general advice. The events and general open plan of the office has helped me to network easily and meet new creatives to work with or recommend jobs to especially the fellow photographers like myself. Having a professional work address has done wonders for me when it comes to liaising with clients and invoicing I feel way more confident not having to put my home address or host meetings over zoom from home."

Laurelle Kamara, MA Photography graduate

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