News / 30 Nov 2022

Fashion Design lecturer wins fashion illustration award

BA (Hons) Fashion Design

Caroline Riches, Senior Lecturer BA (Hons) Fashion Design was presented with the Still Life award at the 2022 Fida Awards.

The live ceremony took place at Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design in London, with a simultaneous Zoom stream to allow international members to attend. Fida is the first global online platform to promote fashion illustration and drawing around the world, with the annual awards celebrating fashion illustrators in the creative arts industry.

Caroline received the award for her painting of a toile by designer Rei Kawakubo, which she produced in September celebrating the start of her 20th year teaching fashion design at Leeds Arts University. She describes her winning image: “It was produced fairly quickly towards the end of day. I lost the light. I initially intended to revisit in the morning. I did not add to it in the end: as when is a toile ever finished...”

Caroline attended the ceremony to receive her award in person, celebrating an important occasion in her career in the industry.

“I am delighted to have won the Fida Still Life award in the professional category. I had the pleasure of meeting Patrick and Diane, who work tirelessly make Fida happen, bringing like-minded artists from around the world together. Well done to all who submitted, and thank you to the judges for seeing something in my work. This means such a lot.”

Caroline Riches, BA (Hons) Fashion Design Senior Lecturer

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