Leeds Arts University provides a space where researchers can develop innovative and creative lines of enquiry. Research-informed teaching inspires student achievement across our curricula. Our researchers contribute to the cultural landscape locally, nationally and internationally.

In order to meet our research goals, the University has developed a supportive infrastructure. Currently, we employ two Research Fellows to engage in their own practice and to mentor others. In addition, we have a large pool of academic staff who pursue their own research interests.

Our researchers specialise in many diverse fields; from surrealism to social practice and widening participation.

Contact us

Professor Samantha Broadhead
Head of Research

Professor Sheila Gaffney
Professor of Research (Innovation & Development)

Dr Marianna Tsionki
University Curator

Henry Gonnet
Research Coordinator

Research Staff



Professor Samantha Broadhead



Professor Sheila Gaffney

Professor of Research (Innovation & Development)



Associate Professor Marianna Tsionki



Dr Dawn Woolley



Henry Gonnet

Research Coordinator

Latest Research Projects

Within the context of Leeds Arts University research is investigating; rediscovering or making a new contribution to knowledge in a chosen specialist field of study/practice that is open for scrutiny through peer review.

This series of case studies showcases academic research at Leeds Arts University that has had an impact on the wider world.

Blenheim Walk Gallery

Our Research Repository

The University has a commitment to supporting Open Access (OA) as a means of sharing our research as widely as possible. We facilitate Green OA by encouraging the deposit of research in a timely manner into our institutional repository.

Research Integrity and Ethics

Leeds Arts University is committed to research integrity and ethical practice. To demonstrate this commitment, we have complied with the requirements of the Research Integrity Concordat.

  • Henry Gonnet (, Research Co-ordinator, is the first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research integrity.

  • Professor Samantha Broadhead (, Head of Research, oversees research integrity at the University.

We are a member of GuildHE Research.

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