Explore Legal and Governance
Our Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is the governing body of the University, established in accordance with the University’s instrument and Articles of Government.
The Board of Governors normally meets six times during the year and is made up of 17 people. The majority of members are not employed by the University, and are known as independent members, but the Board does include representation from the staff and student bodies. The Board is responsible for determining the University’s educational character and mission and for overseeing its activities, including ensuring effective and efficient use of our resources and the framework for pay and conditions of our staff.
The Board of Governors is supported by an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee, a Search Nominations Committee.
Membership of the Board of Governors:
Professor Patsy Cullen, Independent Governor, Chair of the Board of Governors
Jyot Trivedi, Students’ Union President and Student Governor ex officio
Nikki Davis, Independent Governor, Lead Governor for Further Education and Designated Governor with responsibility for child protection issues
James Boyes, Elected and co-opted Staff Governor
James Lord, Independent Governor
Sneha Khilay, Independent Governor, and Lead Governor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
John Gribbon, Independent Governor and Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors.
Professor Simone Wonnacott, Vice-Chancellor and Governor ex officio
Reader Mykaell Riley, Independent Governor, Chair of the Search and Nominations Committee
Noelle Rumball, Independent Governor, Chair of the Audit Committee
Richard Dawson, Independent Governor, Lead Governor for Finance and Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Lisa Green, Independent Governor
Beck Grey, Elected Student Governor
Neil Parkinson, Independent Governor
Professor Sam Broadhead, Academic Board nominee Governor
Professor John Pymm, Independent Governor and Senior Independent Governor.
David Strachan, Independent Governor
Charitable Status
Leeds Arts University is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011. This means that we are subject to charity law, but we are not required to register with the Charity Commission. The Office for Students is designated as the principal regulator for exempt charities in the HE sector. The Office for Students is responsible to the Charity Commission for its compliance objectives under charity law.
Legal title
The legal name of the institution, principal place of business and address for correspondence is:
Leeds Arts University
Blenheim Walk
Governing Documents
Other Documents
Electoral Registration
Under Regulatory Advice 11 from the Office for Students, requests from Electoral Registration Officers are to be directed to the Compliance Officer at dpo@leeds-art.ac.uk. Leeds Arts University will respond to such requests taking into account its commitments to data protection legislation.