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Legal and Governance

Record of Processing Activities

As a data controller, Leeds Arts University is required under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (Article 30) and Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 61) to maintain a Record of Processing Activities. This Record details the personal data that the University is processing, how the University is processing that personal data, and the reason for the processing. Please see below for Leeds Arts University's Record of Processing Activities.

Data Controller:

Leeds Arts University
Blenheim Walk, Leeds, LS2 9AQ

Designated Data Controllers:

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Assurance and Director of Finance

Head of Human Resources

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Student Experience and Resources

Data Protection Officer:

Compliance Officer

ICO Registration Number: Z7073546

Date Registered: 17 September 2002

Date due to Expire: 16 September 2024

Leeds Arts University is a public authority as determined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

As part of its activities, Leeds Arts University processes large volumes of personal data. This Record of Processing Activity details the categories of data subjects and personal data that we process, as well as the purpose for processing and any external recipients of personal data as a result of that processing. For further information, please refer to the spreadsheet attached in Schedule 1.

Categories of data subjects

Leeds Arts University processes the personal data of:

  • Students

  • Staff

  • Prospective staff

  • Unsuccessful applicants (staff)

  • Unsuccessful applicants (students)

  • Ex-staff

  • Prospective students

  • Alumni

  • External Third Parties

  • Donors (objects)

  • Donors (financial)

  • Exchange students (incoming)

  • Visitors

  • Parents, guardians and carers of students

  • Contractors

  • Industry/Business contacts

  • Accommodation Providers

  • Complainants and enquirers

  • Suppliers (e.g. goods and services)

  • Customers

Categories of personal data

Broad categories of personal data processed by Leeds Arts University are:

  • Biographical and family details

  • Contact information

  • Next of Kin and Emergency contact information

  • Survey/feedback information

  • Student record and academic data

  • Employment record and data

  • Financial details

  • Contract record information - including external third parties

  • Misconduct, Disciplinary and Grievances investigations and outcomes

  • Qualifications and Professional Memberships information

  • Consent record information

  • Health and Disability data

  • Criminal conviction information (offences and alleged offences)

  • Equality information

  • Vetting checks

Purpose for processing

Leeds Arts University processes personal data for the purposes of:

  • Providing education and support to our students

  • Administration of our staff contracts, and staff support management

  • Safeguarding the health and safety of our staff, students and external third parties

  • Financial purposes

  • Data security and integrity management

  • Statutory returns and other legal obligations

  • Marketing

  • Alumni engagement management

  • Event promotion management

  • Fundraising and donation management

  • The prevention and detection of crime

  • Students’ Union

  • Contractor management

  • Procurement

  • Management and administration of our research programme

Recipients of personal data

In some instances, it is necessary or required to share some of the personal data we process with third parties. Leeds Arts University complies with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 when carrying out its processing activities, including the circumstances under which personal data is shared.

The categories of recipients for personal data are:

  • Suppliers and Service Providers

  • Travel Agents

  • New and previous employers

  • Regulatory bodies including Office for Students and HESA

  • UCAS

  • Third party statistical agencies including Unistats

  • Governmental bodies including UKV&I, ESFA and DSA

  • Local Councils

  • SLC

  • Awarding Bodies

  • Work Experience Providers

  • Other third party agencies, including Go Higher West Yorkshire

  • Accommodation Providers

  • Student Support – Providers

  • Parents, Guardians and Carers

  • Auditors

  • Police services

  • Students’ Union

  • Legal representatives

  • International agents

  • Research Councils

  • Exchange Programme Partners

Transfers of data to a third country

Leeds Arts University has relationships with institutions and agencies outside of the UK which encourage and facilitate international learning. Where we transfer personal data outside of the UK as part of these relationships, we have contracts in place to explicitly govern this processing.

Time limits

Leeds Arts University retains personal data in line with its Records Retention Schedule, which forms part of its Records Management Policy.

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