News / 11 Mar 2024

Fine Art students exhibit their work at two day celebration of printed media

BA (Hons) Fine Art

BA (Hons) Fine Art students sold their work and ran public workshops at the Printed Bound event at Sunny Bank Mills on Sunday 3 March.

Printed Bound is a weekend celebration of contemporary print and artists’ bookmaking. The event takes place annually on the first floor of the iconic 1912 mill, with over 40 printmakers, studios, artists and collectives selling and exhibiting their work.

As well as exhibiting work, our Fine Art students also ran a gelli plate monoprint workshop for the public in the morning and a bookbinding workshop in the afternoon.

Printed Bound was eligible for all students studying BA (Hons) Fine Art to take part in, and while participation was not formally assessed, students are always encouraged to apply for public-facing opportunities. Such events give students the opportunity to work to deadlines, interact with the public and engage with any educational aspects of an event.

“Fine Art students sold their work on a stall as well as running two creative skills workshops. They were incredibly involved in teaching participants and acted so professionally when setting up and engaging with very young to mature members of the public. They then cleared everything up behind them. We were very impressed with their levels of engagement and attention to detail. We are already making plans for making the participation to a print and/or artist book fair a yearly event.”

Gabi Boiangiu, Senior Lecturer, BA (Hons) Fine Art

"Participating in Printed Bound as a workshop facilitator was an engaging experience that I will continue to reflect on, it was fantastic to see guests be so receptive to learning new skills and being creative with them - especially the variations of outcomes with the gelli plating workshop."

Holly Tomlinson, BA (Hons) Fine Art student

"The experience at Sunny Bank Mills was really great, and very insightful because I got to showcase my skills in a workshop setting as well as using my teaching experience from being a student ambassador and transfer that out into the real world; it was really fun and a good opportunity to learn new skills. I’d love to do it again if the opportunity came up. "

Andreea Raducanu: - BA (Hons) Fine Art student

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