News / 12 Jan 2024

Fine Art graduate wins British Art Medallist Society competition

BA (Hons) Fine Art

Recent BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate, Elliot Birt, won the British Art Medal Society’s ‘New Medallist’ scheme for 2023.

The New Medallist scheme is administered by the British Art Medal Society (BAMS), funded by the Belvedere Trust, and supported by the British Museum. The scheme is intended to provide a framework for artists to develop their interest in the medal as a vehicle of artistic expression and broaden the winning artist’s knowledge of the medal and to expand their awareness of the medium’s possibilities.

Elliot won the award on its seventeenth year of existence due to their interest in medals and the quality of their previous medal design ‘What We Leave Behind’.

In winning the award, Elliot received a grant and a place on a medal-making course at the Pforzheim Design University, Germany. Elliot also got to see behind the scenes at the Victoria and Albert Museum’s art medal collection and the British Museum’s Department of Coins and Medals.

“It felt great to win partly because it's such a great opportunity and also because this is actually the second time I had applied. The first time I was very close to winning and the Society encouraged me to apply again the year after and even gave me a free magazine subscription to the societies journal as a nice gesture. The skills and medals I have seen and learnt, have really pushed my understanding about the medium and its potential scope. For anyone currently doing or has done the student medal competition, I highly recommend applying to this opportunity if you love making medals and want to learn more.”

Elliot Birt, BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate

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