News / 24 May 2024

Fine Art graduate exhibits at RSA’s 198th Annual Exhibition

BA (Hons) Fine Art

BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate, Eve Hindle-Buffey, and her life-size self-portrait titled ‘Eve’ have made it into the Royal Scottish Academy’s (RSA) 198th Annual Exhibition.

Eve’s work embodies intimacy and is a reminder of what it is to be human. Eve works on multiple series of drawn portraits of herself, family and friends to convey deep emotional shared connections fuelled by experience. After receiving her Master of Fine Arts in Scotland, Eve exhibited in significant online shows of the Scottish Portrait Awards, the 2021 ECA Graduate Show in the UK, and now at the RSA’s Annual Exhibition 2024.

"I felt inspired to draw a strong portrait of myself after visiting the Scottish National Gallery and Scottish Portrait Gallery, after seeing the stark contrast between the broad stances of the male portraits and the pretty frilly seductive female portraits. Masculine and feminine are limiting social constructs that do not define the individual."

Eve Hindle-Buffey, BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate

The RSA Annual Exhibition is the largest and longing running exhibition of contemporary art in Scotland and is open until 16 June 2024 where Eve’s work can be seen and purchased in the Flemming room.

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