News / 29 Sep 2023

Anthony Earnshaw prize winners 2023

MA Animation

MA Photography

MA Worldbuilding with Creature Design

During the private view of the Next Gen Postgraduate Show, the winners of this year’s Anthony Earnshaw Prize were announced. The bursary, awarded annually to postgraduate students at Leeds Arts University, was set up by artist Patrick Hughes in memory of his friend, the surrealist artist and fellow alumni, Anthony Earnshaw.

"the range of work on display was amazing and I would have loved to give everyone an award!"

Gail Earnshaw

Anthony Earnshaw's widow, Gail Earnshaw, awarded the three prize winners a signed copy of 'Anthony Earnshaw: The Imp of Surrealism' alongside the cash prize.

MA Photography graduate, Tyler Horey, won first prize with his work 'NOT TO SCALE' which investigates the dynamic between political system and physical landscape. The runners-up were Yiğit Karahan and Morgan Opal Ellin who are recent graduates of the MA Worldbuilding with Creature Design and MA Animation courses respectively.

“Tony would have loved Tyler’s idea and the cause. He will change the world someday! Yigit’s Blast Heart caught my eye right away, and Morgan’s animation was the final piece I viewed and I could not stop thinking about it!”

Gail Earnshaw

Tyler explained that his inspiration for the winning work came from Nick Hayes’s 'The Book of Trespass' which left him feeling angry. Tyler wanted to do something that challenged the conventions of land ownership and its usage. By investigating issues where the environment intersects with political issues, Tyler found that this was something that happens on our doorstep right here in Leeds.

“I feel pretty overwhelmed; baffled and extremely grateful”

Tyler Horey, MA Photography graduate

“I am very honoured to have had the effort I put into my work be acknowledged in such a way."

Yiğit Karahan, MA Worldbuilding with Creature Design graduate

"It makes me so happy that people enjoyed watching my film as much as I enjoyed making it."

Morgan Opal Ellin, MA Animation graduate

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