News / 15 Feb 2024

Animation graduates selected for Cardiff Animation Festival

BA (Hons) Animation

Films by recent BA (Hons) Animation graduates Naomi Crame, Faye Craig and Liam J Wilson have been selected for screening at Cardiff Animation Festival 2024

Naomi Crame's 2023 documentary animation 'Rainbow Junktion' made the official selection at Cardiff Animation Festival in the Slice of Life section of the festival.

Prior to making the film, Naomi had been volunteering at Rainbow Junktion, a Leeds-based foodbank. Naomi was keen to give a sensitive and positive insight into the running and operations of the foodbank and celebrate the people who make it happen.

"The conversations I had (at Rainbow Junktion) during this time, inspired the film which celebrates the wonderful work done by all the people who are a part of this fantastic organisation. I am really excited about my film being selected for Cardiff as it's the first film festival it's been accepted into! "

Naomi Crame, BA (Hons) Animation graduate

Faye Craig's animated film 'Sour Days' was selected for screening at Cardiff Animation Nights: Decadent Desserts Edition. Faye has just completed her MA at Royal College of Art, and this film is her graduate work. 'Sour Days' was also selected to be screened at the BFI Future Film Festival.

'Sour Days' was developed from a string of personal influences. The narrative describes Faye's individual relationship with political false-truths and mental wellbeing and reveals an unconscious connection between exterior triggers and mental health.

"I explored the practice of Afro-surrealism and the use of contemporary black filmmaking as a device of exposure. (...) The point of the device, on a basic level, is to use the black experience, being an already, sometimes excruciatingly surreal reality, to point fingers at the problems of actuality."

Faye Craig, BA (Hons) Animation graduate

Faye continues, “Animation has always always facilitated a means for me to explain myself in ways words cannot, and for this reason, 'Sour Days' holds close to my heart. I've gone to art school, attended animation festivals since I was 16 and now have 2 degrees in animation, so it kinda feels like my whole life has been leading up to these moments, launching off the cliff and finally exposing my personal work to a larger audience-It's terrifying and wonderful!!! To have the honour to screen my work in such incredible establishments that do so much for the creative community is just a dream come true. I can't wait for whatever comes next!"

Graduate Liam J Wilson’s film 'Washed Up' has also been selected to be screened at the festival, as well as Leeds INDIs Film Festival.

"Cardiff Animation Festival is a fantastic showcase of such varied international animation which is an honour to be included in. This film was an experimentation with a new style for me and so I'm very proud that it was chosen. As an independent filmmaker based in Leeds, the Indis Film Festival also is very special to me, and this will be the first of any of my films to get into a festival that is actually screening in Leeds itself, which is very exciting to me personally."

Liam J Wilson, BA (Hons) Animation graduate

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