
Dr Peter Blagg


BA (Hons) Graphic Design - Senior Lecturer

Dr Peter Blagg is a Senior Lecturer on BA (Hons) Graphic Design and a Lecturer on BA (Hons) Illustration. His previous teaching experience covers a range of courses at FE and HE level including Graphic Design, Fine Art and Illustration. Peter completed his practice-based PhD in 2020 researching the relationship between design communication and The Uncanny. Focussing on how seemingly everyday pieces of design have the potential to alienate their users.

Peter’s work moves between image making and sculpture developing and exploring production processes such hybridisation and casting. He investigates visual communication through interrogating objects that are essentially taken for granted. He is interested in doppelgangers, alienation, absurdity and mass production, also audience interaction and collaboration with other practitioners.

Peter joined the BA (Hons) Graphic Design team as senior lecturer in 2018 the BA (Hons) Illustration team in 2015. His roles include delivering lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops including assessment and feedback for the entire year group – these often focus around theoretical, cultural or social dimensions of design, drawing, printmaking and developing practice-based approaches to research. Peter also supervises final year students on their dissertation projects.

Alongside his teaching, Peter is a practicing Artist, Illustrator and freelance educator in museum and gallery settings, he is also a trustee of a Yorkshire based arts organisation and charity. Peter exhibits his work regularly, most recently developing research-based pop-up exhibitions based on his research. He has work in various collections including the Tate Modern Artist Book Library in London.


Blagg, P. (2018) Making the familiar unfamiliar. Leeds City Art Gallery. 12 May 2018.

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